Welcome To Mrs.B's Class
Welcome to Mrs. B's Physical Education Corner
A little about me. I'm a recent graduate of William Paterson university. I have a Bachelors of Science with a certificate in Physical Education, Health, and Drivers Education. I went through the North Bergen School District as well. I just finished my first year teaching and it has been amazing. I had a great time last year meeting new Pre K Friends, and teaching them new PE skills, exercises, and activities. I'm super excited for this year with new Pre K friends!
Some Fun Activities/ Skills that my Pre K Friends will learn are:
Creative Movement
Learning Playground Equipment, and how to be safe on the playground
Different Exercises
Basic Fundamentals of Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Football
Basic Fundamentals of throwing, catching, running
Learning how to share equipment
Cooperation Skills
Different Variations of Tag
These are just some of the fun activities that your child will do in Physical Education (Gym).
I'm the assistant coach for the North Bergen High School Varsity Cheerleading team for football and basketball.
I also coached recreation softball in the past years.
I worked as a NB camp counselor, and then assistant supervisor.
Avid Philadelphia Eagle Fan
Just a little reminder!
I love to take my Pre K friends outside when ever I can get the chance so we can exercise and run, jump, and play outside. My friends like to get some fresh air, even in the winter months.
We go outside during the fall, winter, and springs months.
It is highly recommended for the fall/ winter months you child has:
1. A light jacket/sweater (fall)
2. A heavy jacket (winter)
3. Extra change of clothes, just in case your child clothes get wet, or dirty
4. A hat, gloves, and scarf
5. Sweatpants