Ms. Alejandra Vasquez » School Supplies

School Supplies




Welcome Back !

Ms. Vasquez’s ELA Supply List for Virtual and Hybrid Learning- 5th Grade

This School Year 2020-2021 will be a combination of Virtual and Hybrid Learning due to Covid-19 

I hope everyone had a safe and healthy summer break. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone online and in school!

Virtual Learning Supplies:  For Home

  1. Headphones
  2. 1 composition notebook ( no spiral notebooks please)
  3. Pencils
  4. Dry Erase Board ( paper size or a lil bigger or smaller) not too big they will use it to hold up answers
  5. Dry Erase Markers
  6. Pencil Sharpener
  7. Index Cards (any size/color) will be used for vocabulary 

Hybrid Learning Supplies: For Home and In-School

  1. Headphones (if possible have one at home and school) 
  2. 1 composition notebook ( so in total you would have 2 for ELA)
  3. Pencils
  4. Glue Sticks
  5. Scissors
  6. Clear Tape 
  7. 2 Face Masks ( if possible lanyard to hold mask)
  8. Crayons, Colored Pencils, or Markers ( any you prefer)
  9.  Highlighters
  10.  Dry Erase Markers - Dry Erase Board
  11.  Hand sanitizer - tissues   

Please make sure to have materials needed to learn throughout the school year. My contact is Ms. Alejandra Vasquez [email protected] please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.