Ms. Christina McLellan » Past Preschool Memories

Past Preschool Memories



Miss Mac's Bruin Bear

Let’s all show our Bruin Bear Pride with a town-wide #bruinbearhunt. During these trying times, we need to be creative on how we share our North Bergen #bearcountry pride and put a smile on the faces of people all throughout our community. This will allow kids and adults to go on a #bruinbearhunt while out for a much-needed walk or drive. Please place a Teddy Bear in your window and count how many you see! We want to reiterate and stress that we need to practice social distancing, good hygiene, and handwashing at all times. Let’s all have some fun and share some positivity! Use the hashtags if you would like to share pics of your #bruinbearhunt in #bearcountry!!