Timothy Murphy » Advanced Band

Advanced Band

The key to success for any activity, whether it be sports, music, theater, or academics, is preparation. For this reason, the Lincoln School advanced band rehearses twice a week: on Wednesdays during lunch, and on Thursdays after school, from 3:00-4:00.
It is imperative for the success of the ensemble that all members be present at all rehearsals, provided they are in school that day (students who are absent for any reason cannot attend after school rehearsal that day). I understand that there are sometimes circumstances than can prevent a student from coming to a rehearsal; illness, doctor's appointments, family emergencies, and other things. If a student cannot make a rehearsal, it is that student's responsibility to tell me as soon as possible. Please do not rely on other students to relay the message for you.
All Advanced Band students, and their parents, should sign up for the advanced band Remind list. Instructions for joining remind are linked below.