Mrs. Stampe's Google Classroom Access/Virtual Lesson Plans for Daily Learning
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to/ Read The Tiny Seed
Discuss with a family member, What does the author do? What does the illustrator do? What is the title of this book?
*Writing Assignment
- In a notebook, write two sentences to answer the following question ,How does the seed being little, help it, in this story?
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: hat, nut, pet, lap
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: chop, chip, chat,
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Week 15 lesson 1
Math 12.6
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Tuesday April 28, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to Text collection The Tiny Seed
Discuss with a family member What is your opinion of this story?
*Writing Assignment : Opinion writing: writers tell about their opinion about a topic. An opinion is what a person thinks or feels about a topic. Writers give reasons to support their opinion. Reasons tell why they think or feel the way they do.
- In a notebook, write a few sentences * Telling me your opinion of the story The Tiny seed. Then give at least two reasons you feel this way about the story.
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs shop, ship, chop, chip
- Also write the words as parent says the word: thin, whip, shin, chip
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Week 15 lesson 2
Math 12.7
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Wednesday April 29, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to Text collection The Tiny Seed
Discuss with a family member What is this story about?
*Writing Assignment :
- In a notebook, write two sentences * What is this story about? What happens to some of the seeds? Knowing what happens to some of the seed what words asides from tiny could you use to describe the Tint seed?
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Week 15 lesson 3
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs chat, that, ship, chip
- Also write the words as parent says the word: tack, tock, flip, flop
Math 12.8
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Thursday April 30,2020
Listen to Text collection The Tiny Seed
Discuss with a family member Where do plants come from? Where do they grow? What do they need to grow?
*Writing Assignment :
- In a notebook, write two or more sentences * Where do plants come from? Where do they grow? What do they need to grow?
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs chap, duck, thin,
- Also write the words as parent says the chat, thumb, chin, shop
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Week 14 lesson 4
Math 12.9
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Friday May 1, 2020
Listen to Text collection The Tiny Seed
Discuss with a Parent:What season in your opinion is the best and why?
*Writing Assignment : Opinion writing: writers tell about their opinion about a topic. An opinion is what a person thinks or feels about a topic. Writers give reasons to support their opinion. Reasons tell why they think or feel the way they do.
- In a notebook, write two or more sentences * We live in a part of the country that has four seaons, winter, sprin, summer, fall. In your opinion Which season do you like the best , give at least two reasons you like this season best.
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs shell, ship, tip, clip
- Also write the words as parent says the word clap, whip, clip, drip
Week 14 lesson 5
Math 12.10
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Monday April 27, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to story /making Music
Writing Assignment : Write and draw your favorite instrument.
Writing :Readers / Writers Journal readers writers jnl pg 222 and 221
Assignment pg 222 Benchmark vocab : Strips wrap decorate
Pg221 letter e
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words:wax bib tug bug vet
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: nod mud pen jab
Week 13 lesson 1
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Tuesday April 28, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to story /making Music
Discuss with a Parent: How does your family like to make music?
Writing assignment: Vocab pg 224 readers /writers journal
Reading assignment :
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs shop ship chin chat pack Also write the words as parent says the word: thin shut chip back
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Wednesday April 29, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to story /Text collection Clothes in Many Cultures Clothes in many cultures
Discuss with a Parent:What clothes does your culture /country traditionally wear?
Writing assignment: reader writers journal pg 227 readers /writers journal
Reading assignment :
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs shell chap whip duck Also write the words as parent says the word:duck chick whale thumb
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Thursday April 30,2020
Listen to and read
Discuss with a parent : What type of home do you have?
Writing assignment: Readers writers journal p228
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs shell chap whip duck Also write the words as parent says the word:duck chick whale thumb
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Friday May 1, 2020
Listen to and read
Discuss with a parent : What type of home do you have?
Writing assignment:reader writers journal p 230
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs shell chap whip duck Also write the words as parent says the word:duck chick whale thumb
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Monday April 20, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to story /making Music
Talk to your parents about ways to make music. For example singing, playing instruments
Writing Assignment : Write and draw how to make music.
Writing :Readers / Writers Journal
Assignment page 211
Benchmark vocabulary: drumstick, rattles
Reading/writers journal page 211
Pg210 letter g
Readers/Writers Journal letter g
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words:zip wet web vet yet
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: wig quit yes zap
Week 12 lesson 1
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Counting to 100
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Tuesday April 21, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to story /making Music
Talk to your parents how people’s voices are special instruments. You can use voices to make music anywhere. Where do they like to uses their voices to make music? For example car, school, while listening to music
Writing Assignment : Write and draw where you use your voice to make music.
Writing :Readers / Writers Journal
Benchmark vocabulary: important, instrument
Readers/Writers Journal page 213
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: fox quit sip nut
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: pup led vet map
Week 12 lesson 2
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Counting to 100
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Wednesday April 22, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to story /making Music
Talk to your parents about what instruments are mentioned in the story
Writing Assignment : Draw and write the name of some instruments mentioned in the story.
Writing :Readers / Writers Journal
Benchmark vocabulary: world, bells
Reader/writers journal page 215
Writing complete sentences and questions
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words:nut cat, rug, kid
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: fix, cub, mmix, cap
Week 12 lesson 3
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Counting to 100
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Thursday April 23, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to story /making Music
Talk to your parents about ways to play music
Writing Assignment : Write and draw what ways to play music
Writing :Readers / Writers Journal
Benchmark vocabulary: note, memory
Reader/ Writers journal page 217
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words:kid cap, yet, mat
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: cot, fix, zap, bed
Week 12 lesson 4
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Counting to 100
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Friday April 24, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to story /making Music
Talk to your parents about ways to play music
Writing Assignment : Write and draw what ways to play music
Writing :Readers / Writers Journal
Benchmark vocabulary: stomp, hum
Readers/Writers, journal page 219
Conventional Writing
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC nonsense words:bep bip, guz, kig, quet
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: kiz, kep, cag, zot, vum
Week 12 lesson 5
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Counting to 100
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Tuesday, March 31,2020
Reading Assignment:
Listen to “I Love Saturdays y domingos:”
Talk with a family member:
- What does the girl eat on Saturdays?
- What does the girl eat on Sundays?
Writing Assignment:
- In a notebook, write about what you eat for breakfast on Saturdays and Sundays.
- Example: On Saturday I like to eat pancakes. On Sunday I like to eat eggs.
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: cap, zap, cop ,shop, chop
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Wednesday, April 1,2020
Reading Assignment:
Listen to “I Love Saturdays y domingos:”
Talk with a family member:
What are some special activities that you like to do with your grandparents or family members?
Writing Assignment:
In a notebook, Write about some special activities that you like to do with your grandparents or family members?
- Example: I like to go to the movies with my mom.
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: dip, sip, chip, bed ,red,shed,
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Teen numbers
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Reading Assignment:
Listen to “I Love Saturdays y domingos:”
Talk with a family member:
Do you have a favorite place to visit with your grandparents or family members?
Writing Assignment:
In a notebook, write about a favorite place you like to visit with your grandparents or family members?
- Example: I like to visit the beach with my cousins.
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: fin, tin, chin, pin, shin
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Friday, April 3, 2020
Reading Assignment:
Listen to “I Love Saturdays y domingos:”
Talk with a family member:
What other family members do you like to spend time with?
Writing Assignment:
In a notebook, write about the other members of your family, that you like to spend time with.
- Example: I like to do puzzles with my brother and sister.
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: top ,mop,hop, chop, shop
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Reading Assignment:
Listen to “Apple Pie 4th of July”
Talk with a family member: What are some things that happen during a Fourth of July ce
Writing Assignment:
- In a notebook, Write about some things that you do or see at a Fourth of July celebration.
- Example: I go to a parade on July 4th..
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: pop, top ,shop, fiz, quiz
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Reading Assignment:
Listen to “Apple Pie 4th of July”
Talk with a family member:
- What are some types of food you eat at a Fourth of July celebration?
Writing Assignment:
- In a notebook, Write about some of the foods you would eat at a Fourth of July celebration.
- Example: I would eat a hamburger and corn on the cob at a Fourth of July party.
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: thin, chin, fin, chat, that
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford