Virtual lesson plans Week of 5/26

Tuesday ,5/26

***Vocabulary Parade photos are due today by 3pm

*Parents, please make sure your child completes the Special Subject teachers lessons. You can access them on the Kindergarten Homepage click on the tab on the bottom left “Special Teacher Assignments.”


Also Google Classroom has the daily Pearson ReadyGen (ELA)  and Envision (Math) lessons attached.


Watch Class story  everyday on google classroom or webpage, ELA and Math Lessons.

*Battle of the Books 

*** All students should read independently for 20 minutes each day and log the minutes on the NB R.E.D. (Read Every Day) sheet

Kindergarten District Level ELA Virtual Learning Packet Packet #5 

strong, drifts, planted, blossomed


5/26- ELALesson 13 

Read and compare

  • The Tiny Seed 
  • Jack’s Garden Benchmark Vocabulary settle, burst, sipped, chased 

Reader’s and Writer’s Journal Page 259 

Writing Lesson 11-13 List Pick 4 words and write a sentence with a picture 

Wilson/Fundations Assignment: 

Heggerty week17 day 1&2

  • see Kindergarten homepage


  • Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom

Science/Social Studies

Username: lincoln-kinder

                  (all lower case)

Password : Kinder123

                  (only K is upper case)

Scholastic Learn at Home

Wednesday 5/27

*Parents, please make sure your child completes the Special Subject teachers lessons. You can access them on the Kindergarten Homepage click on the tab on the bottom left “Special Teacher Assignments.”


Also Google Classroom has the daily Pearson ReadyGen (ELA)  and Envision (Math) lessons attached.


Watch Class story  everyday for ELA and Math Lessons.

*Battle of the Books

5/27- ELA Foundational Skills 

Foundational Skills Workbook Page 117, 125, 127, 129 

Wilson/Fundations Assignment: 

Heggerty week 17 day 3

  • see Kindergarten homepag


  • Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom

Science/Social Studies

Username: lincoln-kinder

                  (all lower case)

Password : Kinder123

                  (only K is upper case)

Scholastic Learn at Home

Thursday 5/28

*Parents, please make sure your child completes the Special Subject teachers lessons. You can access them on the Kindergarten Homepage click on the tab on the bottom left “Special Teacher Assignments.”


Also Google Classroom has the daily Pearson ReadyGen (ELA)  and Envision (Math) lessons attached.


Watch Class story on googleclassroom or webpage everyday for  ELA and Math Lessons.

*Battle of the Books 

5/28 ELA Foundational Skills 

Foundational Skills Workbook Page 163-166 

Wilson/Fundations Assignment: 

Heggerty week 17 day 4

  • see Kindergarten homepage


  • Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom

Science/Social Studies

Username: lincoln-kinder

                  (all lower case)

Password : Kinder123

                  (only K is upper case)

Scholastic Learn at Home

Friday 5/29

*Parents, please make sure your child completes the Special Subject teachers lessons. You can access them on the Kindergarten Homepage click on the tab on the bottom left “Special Teacher Assignments.”


Also Google Classroom has the daily Pearson ReadyGen (ELA)  and Envision (Math) lessons attached.


Watch Class story on googleclassroom everyday for  ELA and Math Lessons.

*Battle of the Books 

5/29- ELA Writing 

Reading Activity Mat Summarize - “Crop Farms” 

Wilson/Fundations Assignment: 

Heggerty week 17 day 5

  • see Kindergarten homepage


  • Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom

Science/Social Studies

Username: lincoln-kinder

                  (all lower case)

Password : Kinder123