Ela packet 6
Winners of Battle of the Books
Virtual lesson plans Week of 5/26
Tuesday ,5/26
***Vocabulary Parade photos are due today by 3pm
*Parents, please make sure your child completes the Special Subject teachers lessons. You can access them on the Kindergarten Homepage click on the tab on the bottom left “Special Teacher Assignments.”
Also Google Classroom has the daily Pearson ReadyGen (ELA) and Envision (Math) lessons attached.
Watch Class story everyday on google classroom or webpage, ELA and Math Lessons.
*Battle of the Books
*** All students should read independently for 20 minutes each day and log the minutes on the NB R.E.D. (Read Every Day) sheet 1
Kindergarten District Level ELA Virtual Learning Packet Packet #5
strong, drifts, planted, blossomed
5/26- ELALesson 13
Read and compare
- The Tiny Seed
- Jack’s Garden Benchmark Vocabulary settle, burst, sipped, chased
Reader’s and Writer’s Journal Page 259
Writing Lesson 11-13 List Pick 4 words and write a sentence with a picture
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: hat, nut, pet, lap
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: chop, chip, chat,
Heggerty week17 day 1&2
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Wednesday 5/27
*Parents, please make sure your child completes the Special Subject teachers lessons. You can access them on the Kindergarten Homepage click on the tab on the bottom left “Special Teacher Assignments.”
Also Google Classroom has the daily Pearson ReadyGen (ELA) and Envision (Math) lessons attached.
Watch Class story everyday for ELA and Math Lessons.
*Battle of the Books
5/27- ELA Foundational Skills
Foundational Skills Workbook Page 117, 125, 127, 129
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: hat, nut, pet, lap
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: chop, chip, chat,
Heggerty week 17 day 3
- see Kindergarten homepag
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Thursday 5/28
*Parents, please make sure your child completes the Special Subject teachers lessons. You can access them on the Kindergarten Homepage click on the tab on the bottom left “Special Teacher Assignments.”
Also Google Classroom has the daily Pearson ReadyGen (ELA) and Envision (Math) lessons attached.
Watch Class story on googleclassroom or webpage everyday for ELA and Math Lessons.
*Battle of the Books
5/28 ELA Foundational Skills
Foundational Skills Workbook Page 163-166
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: hat, nut, pet, lap
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: chop, chip, chat,
Heggerty week 17 day 4
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Friday 5/29
*Parents, please make sure your child completes the Special Subject teachers lessons. You can access them on the Kindergarten Homepage click on the tab on the bottom left “Special Teacher Assignments.”
Also Google Classroom has the daily Pearson ReadyGen (ELA) and Envision (Math) lessons attached.
Watch Class story on googleclassroom everyday for ELA and Math Lessons.
*Battle of the Books
5/29- ELA Writing
Reading Activity Mat Summarize - “Crop Farms”
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: hat, nut, pet, lap
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: chop, chip, chat,
Heggerty week 17 day 5
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
Packet 5 has 2 parts Ela and Math
Virtual Lesson Plans week of May 18
Virtual Lesson Plans week of May 18
Monday May 18
Lesson 8 Read Text Collection Read the entire selection. Jack’s Garden
Benchmark Vocabulary garden Reader’s and Writer’s Journal Page 248, 249
Writing Lesson 6-10 List Pick 3 words and rainbow write them in two colors
Wilson : Digraphs
Math : Chap 12 review see packet 5 and google classroom
Science : How to start a Garden for Kids
Social Studies: Gardening with the Kids
Tuesday May 19
Day 2 Lesson 9 Read Text Collection pp. 5–9 Jack’s Garden Benchmark Vocabulary planted Reader’s and Writer’s Journal Page 250, 251 Writing Lesson 6-10 List Pick 2 different words and rainbow write them in two colors
Wilson: Digraphs:
Math : Chap 12 review see packet 5 and google classroom
Science : How to start a Garden for Kids
Social Studies: Gardening with the Kids
Wednesday May 20
Day 3 Lesson 10 Read Text Collection pp. 14–21 Jack’s Garden
Benchmark Vocabulary blossomed
Reader’s and Writer’s Journal Page 252 Writing Lesson 6-10 List Pick 3 words and draw a picture with the word
Wilson: Digraphs:
Math : Chap 12 review see packet 5 and google classroom
Science : How to start a Garden for Kids
Social Studies: Gardening with the Kid
Thursday May 21
Day 4 Lesson 11 Read Text Collection pp. 22–26 Jack’s Garden Benchmark Vocabulary sipped, chased
Reader’s and Writer’s Journal Page 254, 255 Writing Lesson 11-13 List Pick 2 words and draw a picture
Wilson: Digraphs:
Math : Chap 12 review see packet and google classroom
Science : How to start a Garden for Kids
Social Studies: Gardening with the Kids
Friday May 22
Day 5 Lesson 12 Read COMPARE • The Tiny Seed • Jack’s Garden
Benchmark Vocabulary
Reader’s and Writer’s Journal Page 257 Writing Lesson 11-13 List Pick 3 words and rainbow write the words in two colors
Wilson: Digraphs:
Math : Chap 12 review see packet and google classroom
Science : How to start a Garden for Kids
Social Studies: Gardening with the Kid
*** All students should read independently for 20 minutes each day and log the minutes on the NB R.E.D. (Read Every Day)
Miss Esther reads Rubia and the three Osos
Virtual Remote Lesson Plans
Remote lesson plans for virtual learning Week of May 4
Monday, May 4, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to/ Read The Tiny Seed
Discuss with a family member, What does the author do? What does the illustrator do? What is the title of this book?
*Writing Assignment
- In a notebook, write two sentences to answer the following question ,How does the seed being little, help it, in this story?
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
Wilson/Fundations Assignment:
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following CVC words: hat, nut, pet, lap
- Also write the words as a parent says the word: chop, chip, chat,
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Week 15 lesson 1
Math 12.6
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Tuesday, May 5,2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to Text collection The Tiny Seed
Discuss with a family member What is your opinion of this story?
*Writing Assignment : Opinion writing: writers tell about their opinion about a topic. An opinion is what a person thinks or feels about a topic. Writers give reasons to support their opinion. Reasons tell why they think or feel the way they do.
- In a notebook, write a few sentences * Telling me your opinion of the story The Tiny seed. Then give at least two reasons you feel this way about the story.
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs shop, ship, chop, chip
- Also write the words as parent says the word: thin, whip, shin, chip
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Week 15 lesson 2
Math 12.7
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
ELA Ready Gen
Listen to Text collection The Tiny Seed
Discuss with a family member What is this story about?
*Writing Assignment :
- In a notebook, write two sentences * What is this story about? What happens to some of the seeds? Knowing what happens to some of the seed what words asides from tiny could you use to describe the Tint seed?
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Week 15 lesson 3
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs chat, that, ship, chip
- Also write the words as parent says the word: tack, tock, flip, flop
Math 12.8
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Thursday, May 7,2020
Listen to Text collection The Tiny Seed
Discuss with a family member Where do plants come from? Where do they grow? What do they need to grow?
*Writing Assignment :
- In a notebook, write two or more sentences * Where do plants come from? Where do they grow? What do they need to grow?
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs chap, duck, thin,
- Also write the words as parent says the chat, thumb, chin, shop
- see Kindergarten homepage
- Week 14 lesson 4
Math 12.9
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford
Friday May 8, 2020
Listen to Text collection The Tiny Seed
Discuss with a Parent:What season in your opinion is the best and why?
*Writing Assignment : Opinion writing: writers tell about their opinion about a topic. An opinion is what a person thinks or feels about a topic. Writers give reasons to support their opinion. Reasons tell why they think or feel the way they do.
- In a notebook, write two or more sentences * We live in a part of the country that has four seaons, winter, sprin, summer, fall. In your opinion Which season do you like the best , give at least two reasons you like this season best.
- Draw a picture to illustrate your sentences.
Remember writing rules:
- Start every sentence with a capital/upper case letter.
- End every sentence with an end mark. . for telling ,? for asking, ! for yelling
Parents/Guardians: The students should be writing as independently as possible. You may help them tap words out, please let the spelling be their own.
- Wilson Sound Card Practice
- Wilson vowel extension
- Wilson Digraphs
- Tap and blend the following digraphs shell, ship, tip, clip
- Also write the words as parent says the word clap, whip, clip, drip
Week 14 lesson 5
Math 12.10
- Envision math assignments go to Google Classroom
- Shapes Jack Hartman Name the shapes
- 2D shapes Jack Hartman 2D shapes are everywhere
Science/Social Studies
Username: lincoln-kinder
(all lower case)
Password : Kinder123
(only K is upper case)
Username: Learning20
Password: Clifford